Participating in the European Union DX Contest (EUDXC) brings radio enthusiasts from across the European Union together for an exciting display of skills and connections. Ensuring the accuracy of your Cabrillo file is essential for a successful entry. In this guide, we’ll walk through the steps of verifying your Cabrillo file, focusing on the correct log lines for European Union stations.
Understanding the Cabrillo Format for EUDXC
The Cabrillo format serves as the standard for logging in many amateur radio contests, providing a structured way to record essential details of each contact. In the EUDX Contest, specific elements, including region codes and identification numbers, add an extra layer of precision.
Breaking Down the EU Station Log Line
Let’s dissect the correct log line for European Union stations:
QSO: 14287 PH 2023-02-04 1724 IK6QON 59 IT01 K1JB 59 08
- Frequency and Mode: The log begins with the QSO tag, followed by frequency (14287) and mode (PH for ssb) to indicate a phone contact on 14.287 MHz.
- Date and Time: The next segments show the date (2023-02-04) and UTC time (1724) when the QSO occurred.
- Callsigns: Confirm that both callsigns (IK6QON and K1JB) are accurate.
- Signal Reports: The signal reports (59 and 59) indicate the strength of the signal, with the additional IT01 code representing the identity region for EU stations.
- Region or ITU Number: The number following the second signal report (08) is crucial. For EU stations, this represents the region code (IT01 in this case). Verify that it accurately reflects the station’s geographical region.
Checking the DX Station Log Line
For contacts with DX stations, the correct log line looks like this:
QSO: 28450 CW 2023-02-05 0958 4Z5KZ 599 39 IK6QON 599 IT01
- Frequency and Mode: Similar to the EU station log, the frequency (28450) and mode (CW) are specified.
- Date and Time: The date (2023-02-05) and UTC time (0958) are crucial for timestamping the QSO.
- Callsigns and Signal Reports: Verify the accuracy of callsigns, signal reports (599 and 39), and any additional codes.
- Region or ITU Number: For DX stations contacting EU stations the region (IT01) is placed at the end of the log line.
Validation and Contest Compliance
Refer to the contest rules for any unique requirements for European Union stations and adjust your Cabrillo file accordingly.
Conclusion: A Flawless Log for EUDX Contest Success
Verifying your Cabrillo file is the key to a flawless entry in the EUDX Contest. By paying close attention to frequency, mode, callsigns, signal reports, and additional codes, you contribute to the accuracy and integrity of the contest. Participate with confidence, knowing your log aligns with the standards set by the EUDX Contest, and enjoy the thrill of connecting with radio enthusiasts across Europe.
Indeed, the START-OF-LOG and END-OF-LOG sections are standardized components in Cabrillo files, shared between European Union (EU) and DX (non-European) stations. These sections provide essential information about the log and the operator. Let’s break down these sections for clarity:
Common START-OF-LOG Section:
- START-OF-LOG: 3.0: Indicates the version of the Cabrillo file format being used.
- CREATED-BY: Specifies the software or method used to create the log file.
- CONTEST: EUDXC: Identifies the contest as the European DX Contest.
- CALLSIGN: Your station’s callsign.
- CATEGORY-OPERATOR: Describes the operator’s category (e.g., SINGLE-OP).
- CATEGORY-TRANSMITTER: Specifies the number of transmitters used (e.g., 1).
- CATEGORY-POWER: Indicates the power level used (e.g., HIGH, LOW).
- CATEGORY-BAND: Specifies the band or bands used.
- CATEGORY-MODE: Specifies the mode or modes used.
- CLAIMED-SCORE: The operator’s claimed score for the contest.
- CLUB: If applicable, the name of the radio club.
- NAME, ADDRESS, OPERATORS: Personal and contact information of the operator.
- SOAPBOX: A free-text section for comments or additional information.
Common END-OF-LOG Section:
- END-OF-LOG: Marks the conclusion of the log file.
These sections provide a standardized structure that helps contest organizers and software interpret and process the submitted logs accurately. It’s crucial to ensure that each field within the START-OF-LOG section is appropriately filled with the relevant information for both EU and DX stations. Following this template helps maintain consistency and facilitates efficient log processing during the contest evaluation.
73 Francesco IK6QON